



循序渐进 openGauss :GUC 参数的定义、引导和列表

eygle2021-12-24循序渐进 openGauss :GUC 参数的定义、引导和列表

循序渐进 openGauss :GUC 参数的定义、引导和列表

在添加 GUC 参数时,需要注意你添加的参数属于什么类别的参数。

例如如果你想让普通用户能随时修改它,那么你需要将参数级别设置为 PGC_USERSET。如果你想让超级用户能在线修改它,那么你需要将它设置为 PGC_SUSET。如果你想让它能够在修改配置参数并通过信号生效,那么需要设置为 PGC_SIGHUP。

在 openGauss 中,GUC 参数相关的代码如下



 * Displayable names for context types (enum GucContext)
 * Note: these strings are deliberately not localized.
const char* const GucContext_Names[] = {
    /* PGC_INTERNAL */ "internal",
    /* PGC_POSTMASTER */ "postmaster",
    /* PGC_SIGHUP */ "sighup",
    /* PGC_BACKEND */ "backend",
    /* PGC_SUSET */ "superuser",
    /* PGC_USERSET */ "user"};


  • PGC_INTERNAL:参数只能通过内部设定,用户不能设定。
  • PGC_POSTMASTER:参数只能在 Postmaster 启动时通过读配置文件或处理命令行参数来配置。
  • PGC_SIGHUP:参数只能在 Postmaster 启动时配置,或当我们改变了配置文件并发送信号 SIGUP 通知 Postmaster 或 Postgres 的时候进行配置。
  • PGC_BACKEND:参数只能在 Postmaster 启动时读配置文件设置,或由客户端在进行连接请求时设置。已经启动的后台进程会忽略此类参数的改变。
  • PGC_SUSET:参数只能在 Postmaster 启动时或由超级用户通过 SQL 语言(SET 命令)进行设置。
  • PGC_USERSET:可以用用户在任何时候进行配置。


master/src/include/utils/guc.h 中,以下数据结构定义了 GUC 参数的来源:

typedef enum {
    PGC_S_DEFAULT,         /* hard-wired default ("boot_val") */
    PGC_S_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT, /* default computed during initialization */
    PGC_S_ENV_VAR,         /* postmaster environment variable */
    PGC_S_FILE,            /* postgresql.conf */
    PGC_S_ARGV,            /* postmaster command line */
    PGC_S_DATABASE,        /* per-database setting */
    PGC_S_USER,            /* per-user setting */
    PGC_S_DATABASE_USER,   /* per-user-and-database setting */
    PGC_S_CLIENT,          /* from client connection request */
    PGC_S_OVERRIDE,        /* special case to forcibly set default */
    PGC_S_INTERACTIVE,     /* dividing line for error reporting */
    PGC_S_TEST,            /* test per-database or per-user setting */
    PGC_S_SESSION          /* SET command */
} GucSource;



  • 初始化 GUC 参数

    Postmaster 将首先调用 InitializeGUCOptions 函数将参数设置为默认值:

    1)首先调用 build_guc_variables 函数来统计参数个数并分配相应的 config_generic 类型的全局指针数组 guc_variables 以保存每个参数结构体的地址,并且对该数组进行排序。由于参数是通过全局静态数组 ConfigureNamesBool、ConfigureNamesInt、ConfigureNamesReal、ConfigureNamesString、ConfigureNamesEnum 存储的,因此在 build_guc_variables 函数中只需要遍历相应的数组,统计参数的个数并将参数结构体中 config_generic 域的参数 vartype 设置为相应的参数类型。当遍历完所有参数后,根据总的参数个数分配 config_generic 指针数组 guc_vars,然后再次遍历静态参数数组,将每个参数结构的首地址保存到 guc_vars 数组中(这里分配的数组个数为当前参数总数的 1.25 倍,主要是为了方便以后参数的扩充)。接着将全局变量 guc_variables 也指向 guc_vars 数组。最后通过快速排序法把 guc_variables 按照参数名进行排序。

    2)接下来将每个参数设置为默认值。对于 guc_variables 中的每个参数,initializeGUCOptions 函数先将其 config_generic 域中的 status 设置为 0,将 reset_source、tentative_source、source 设置为 PGC_S_DEFAULT 表示默认;stack、sourcefile 设置为 NULL;然后根据参数值 vartype 的不同类型分别调用相应的 assign_hook 函数(如果该参数设置了该函数),assign_hook 函数用来设置 boot_val,最后将 boot_val 赋值给 reset_val 和 variable 指向的变量,通过这样一系列的步骤就将参数设置为了默认值。

    3)通过系统调用 getenv 来获得环境变量 PGPORT、PGDATESTYLE、PGCLIENTENCODING 的值,不为空则调用 SetConfigOption 函数来设置这三个变量对应的参数的值。

    4)最后,检测系统的最大安全栈深度,如果这个深度值大于 100KB 且不超过 2MB,则用它设置 max_stack_depth 参数。

  • 配置 GUC 参数

    如果用户启动 Postmaster 进程时通过命令行参数指定了一些 GUC 的参数值,那么 Postmaster 需要从命令行参数中将这些 GUC 参数的值解析出来并且设置到相应的 GUC 参数中。根据命令行设置参数主要是通过 getopt 和 SetConfigOption 这两个函数来完成的。

    对于 getopt 返回的每一个参数选项及其参数值,通过一个 switch 语句根据参数选项的不同分别调用 SetConfigOption 函数设置相应的参数。

    SetConfigOption 函数的第一个参数为参数名;第二个参数为参数值,其值存放在 getopt 函数返回的 optarg 字符串中;第三个参数为参数类型最后一个参数为参数来源。由于在这里 Postmaster 只在处理,命令行参数,所以这里的参数类型和参数来源分别设置为 PGC_POSTMASTER 和 PGC_S_ARGV。

    SetConfigOption 函数是通过调用 set_config_option(const char *name, const char * value, GucContext context, GucSource source, bool isLocal, bool changeVal)函数来实现的,其中最后两个参数统一设置为 false 和 true。该函数首先从 guc_variables 指向的参数数组中搜索参数名为 name 的参数,如果没有找到则出错;否则将找到的参数的结构体中 GucContext 的值与传过来的参数 context 比较,判断在当前的上下文中参数是否可以设置,如果不能设置的话就报错,否则再将参数结构体中的 GucSource 与传过来的参数 source 进行比较,判断当前操作的优先级是否大于或者等于先前的优先级,如果大于或者等于先前的优先级则根据具体参数值的类型将 value 转化为相应的数据,然后设置参数结构体中的相应数据项即可。

  • 读取配置文件


    这个过程主要是调用 SelectConfigFiles(const char * userDoption, const char * progname)函数来实现的,其中第一个参数是通过命令行设置的用户的数据目录,如果没有设置会通过环境变量 PGDATA 找到;第二个参数为程序名,主要用于错误处理。

    该函数首先在数据目录下找到配置文件,然后调用词法分析程序解析文件。对于解析到的每个参数及其参数值,调用 SetConfigOption 来完成参数的修改。

    通过上述三个步骤设置完参数后还要检验参数的合法性。比如,数据目录的用户 ID 应该等于当前进程的有效用户 ID、数据目录应该禁止组用户和其他用户的一切访问、缓冲区的数量至少是允许连接的进程数的两倍并且至少为 16,等等。如果一切合法,则将当前目录转入数据目录,然后进行后续的操作。


omm=# \pset pager
Pager usage is off.
omm=# select context,name,short_desc from pg_settings order by context,category,name;
  context   |                  name                  |                                                                                                                                                                         short_desc
 backend    | local_preload_libraries                | Lists shared libraries to preload into each backend.
 backend    | remotetype                             | Sets the type of Postgres-XC remote connection
 backend    | ignore_system_indexes                  | Disables reading from system indexes.
 backend    | post_auth_delay                        | Waits N seconds on connection startup after authentication.
 backend    | log_connections                        | Logs each successful connection.
 backend    | log_disconnections                     | Logs end of a session, including duration.
 internal   | lc_collate                             | Shows the collation order locale.
 internal   | lc_ctype                               | Shows the character classification and case conversion locale.
 internal   | server_encoding                        | Sets the server (database) character set encoding.
 internal   | instr_unique_sql_track_type            | unique sql track type
 internal   | block_size                             | Shows the size of a disk block.
 internal   | integer_datetimes                      | Datetimes are integer based.
 internal   | percentile                             | Sets the percentile of sql responstime that DBA want to know.
 internal   | enable_adio_function                   | Enable adio function.
 internal   | max_function_args                      | Shows the maximum number of function arguments.
 internal   | max_identifier_length                  | Shows the maximum identifier length.
 internal   | max_index_keys                         | Shows the maximum number of index keys.
 internal   | segment_size                           | Shows the number of pages per disk file.
 internal   | server_version                         | Shows the server version.
 internal   | server_version_num                     | Shows the server version as an integer.
 internal   | wal_block_size                         | Shows the block size in the write ahead log.
 internal   | wal_segment_size                       | Shows the number of pages per write ahead log segment.
 internal   | update_process_title                   | Updates the process title to show the active SQL command.
 internal   | current_logic_cluster                  | Shows current logic cluster.
 internal   | sql_compatibility                      | Choose which SQL format to adapt.
 postmaster | audit_data_format                      | Sets the data format for audit files.
 postmaster | audit_directory                        | Sets the destination directory for audit files.
 postmaster | available_zone                         | Sets the available zone of current instance.
 postmaster | elastic_search_ip_addr                 | Controls elastic search IP address in the system.
 postmaster | use_elastic_search                     | Enables elastic search in the system.
 postmaster | autovacuum_freeze_max_age              | Age at which to autovacuum a table.
 postmaster | autovacuum_max_workers                 | Sets the maximum number of simultaneously running autovacuum worker processes.
 postmaster | comm_tcp_mode                          | Whether use tcp commucation mode for stream
 postmaster | enable_global_plancache                | enable to use global plan cache.
 postmaster | enable_thread_pool                     | enable to use thread pool.
 postmaster | thread_pool_attr                       | Spare Cpu that can not be used in thread pool.
 postmaster | cn_send_buffer_size                    | Sets the send buffer size used in CN, unit in KB.
 postmaster | asp_sample_num                         | Sets the active session profile max sample nums in buff
 postmaster | comm_control_port                      | Sets the stream control port the server listens on.
 postmaster | comm_max_receiver                      | Maximum number of internal receiver threads.
 postmaster | comm_memory_pool                       | Sets the memory pool size for communication(in kB).
 postmaster | comm_memory_pool_percent               | Sets the percent of comm_memory_pool for dynamic workload.
 postmaster | comm_quota_size                        | Sets the stream quota size in kB.
 postmaster | comm_sctp_port                         | Sets the STCP port the server listens on.
 postmaster | comm_usable_memory                     | Sets the total usable memory for communication(in kB).
 postmaster | listen_addresses                       | Sets the host name or IP address(es) to listen to.
 postmaster | local_bind_address                     | Sets the host name or IP address(es) to connect to for sctp.
 postmaster | max_connections                        | Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections for clients.
 postmaster | max_inner_tool_connections             | Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections for inner tools.
 postmaster | port                                   | Sets the TCP port the server listens on.
 postmaster | unix_socket_group                      | Sets the owning group of the Unix-domain socket.
 postmaster | unix_socket_permissions                | Sets the access permissions of the Unix-domain socket.
 postmaster | enableSeparationOfDuty                 | Enables the user's separation of privileges.
 postmaster | sysadmin_reserved_connections          | Sets the number of connection slots reserved for system admin.
 postmaster | unix_socket_directory                  | Sets the directory where the Unix-domain socket will be created.
 postmaster | ssl                                    | Enables SSL connections.
 postmaster | ssl_ca_file                            | Location of the SSL certificate authority file.
 postmaster | ssl_cert_file                          | Location of the SSL server certificate file.
 postmaster | ssl_ciphers                            | Sets the list of allowed SSL ciphers.
 postmaster | ssl_crl_file                           | Location of the SSL certificate revocation list file.
 postmaster | ssl_key_file                           | Location of the SSL server private key file.
 postmaster | pgxc_node_name                         | The Coordinator or Datanode name.
 postmaster | enable_stateless_pooler_reuse          | Pooler stateless reuse mode.
 postmaster | allow_system_table_mods                | Allows modifications of the structure of system tables.
 postmaster | comm_sender_buffer_size                | The libcomm sender's buffer size in every interaction between DN and CN, or DN and DN, unit(KB)
 postmaster | lastval_supported                      | Enable functionality of lastval() function.
 postmaster | support_extended_features              | Enables unofficial supported extended features.
 postmaster | data_sync_retry                        | Whether to continue running after a failure to sync data files.
 postmaster | config_file                            | Sets the server's main configuration file.
 postmaster | data_directory                         | Sets the server's data directory.
 postmaster | enable_default_cfunc_libpath           | Enable check for c function lib path.
 postmaster | external_pid_file                      | Writes the postmaster PID to the specified file.
 postmaster | hba_file                               | Sets the server's "hba" configuration file.
 postmaster | ident_file                             | Sets the server's "ident" configuration file.
 postmaster | mot_config_file                        | Sets mot main configuration file.
 postmaster | job_queue_processes                    | Number of concurrent jobs, optional: [1...1000], default: 10.
 postmaster | max_locks_per_transaction              | Sets the maximum number of locks per transaction.
 postmaster | max_pred_locks_per_transaction         | Sets the maximum number of predicate locks per transaction.
 postmaster | enable_delta_store                     | Enable delta for column store.
 postmaster | string_hash_compatible                 | Enables the hash compatibility of char() and varchar() datatype
 postmaster | enable_orc_cache                       | Enable orc metadata cache.
 postmaster | enable_mix_replication                 | All the replication log sent by the wal streaming.
 postmaster | data_replicate_buffer_size             | Sets the buffer size of data replication.
 postmaster | max_replication_slots                  | Sets the maximum number of simultaneously defined replication slots.
 postmaster | max_wal_senders                        | Sets the maximum number of simultaneously running WAL sender processes.
 postmaster | catchup2normal_wait_time               | The maximal allowed duration for waiting from catchup to normal state.
 postmaster | hot_standby                            | Allows connections and queries during recovery.
 postmaster | wal_receiver_buffer_size               | Sets the buffer size to receive data from master.
 postmaster | asp_log_directory                      | Sets the destination directory for asp log files.
 postmaster | event_source                           | Sets the application name used to identify PostgreSQL messages in the event log.
 postmaster | logging_collector                      | Starts a subprocess to capture stderr output and/or csvlogs into log files.
 postmaster | perf_directory                         | Sets the destination directory for perf json files.
 postmaster | query_log_directory                    | Sets the destination directory for slow query log files.
 postmaster | numa_distribute_mode                   | Sets the NUMA node distribution mode.
 postmaster | max_files_per_process                  | Sets the maximum number of simultaneously open files for each server process.
 postmaster | shared_preload_libraries               | Lists shared libraries to preload into server.
 postmaster | cstore_buffers                         | Sets the number of CStore buffers used by the server.
 postmaster | enable_memory_limit                    | Using memory protect feature.
 postmaster | local_syscache_threshold               | Sets the maximum threshold for cleaning cache.
 postmaster | max_compile_functions                  | max compile results in postmaster
 postmaster | max_prepared_transactions              | Sets the maximum number of simultaneously prepared transactions.
 postmaster | max_process_memory                     | Sets the maximum number of memory used by the process.
 postmaster | memorypool_enable                      | Using memory pool.
 postmaster | memorypool_size                        | Sets the number of memory pool used by the server.
 postmaster | shared_buffers                         | Sets the number of shared memory buffers used by the server.
 postmaster | track_activity_query_size              | Sets the size reserved for pg_stat_activity.query, in bytes.
 postmaster | udf_memory_limit                       | Sets the maximum number of memory used by UDF Master and UDF Workers.
 postmaster | UDFWorkerMemHardLimit                  | Sets the hard memory limit to be used for fenced UDF.
 postmaster | walsender_max_send_size                | Size of walsender max send size.
 postmaster | recovery_max_workers                   | The max number of recovery threads allowed to run in parallel.
 postmaster | recovery_parallelism                   | The actual number of recovery threads running in parallel.
 postmaster | recovery_parse_workers                 | The number of recovery threads to do xlog parse.
 postmaster | recovery_redo_workers                  | The number belonging to one parse worker to do xlog redo.
 postmaster | bbox_blanklist_items                   | List of names of bbox blanklist items.
 postmaster | enable_ffic_log                        | Enables First Failure Info Capture.
 postmaster | max_concurrent_autonomous_transactions | Maximum number of concurrent autonomous transactions processes.
 postmaster | alarm_component                        | Sets the component for alarm function.
 postmaster | enable_alarm                           | Enables alarm or not.
 postmaster | enable_nonsysadmin_execute_direct      | Enables non-sysadmin users execute direct on CN/DN.
 postmaster | max_cached_tuplebufs                   | how many memory reorderbuffer can use.
 postmaster | max_changes_in_memory                  | how many memory a transaction can use in reorderbuffer.
 postmaster | max_resource_package                   | The maximum number of the resource package(RP) for DN in the compute pool.
 postmaster | remote_read_mode                       | decide way of remote read
 postmaster | transparent_encrypted_string           | The encrypted string to test the transparent encryption key.
 postmaster | transparent_encrypt_kms_region         | The region to get transparent encryption key.
 postmaster | transparent_encrypt_kms_url            | The URL to get transparent encryption key.
 postmaster | enable_page_lsn_check                  | Enable check page lsn when redo
 postmaster | force_promote                          | Enable master update min recovery point.
 postmaster | bgwriter_thread_num                    | Sets the number of background writer threads with incremental checkpoint on.
 postmaster | enable_double_write                    | Enable master double write.
 postmaster | enable_incremental_checkpoint          | Enable master incremental checkpoint.
 postmaster | pagewriter_thread_num                  | Sets the number of page writer threads.
 postmaster | advance_xlog_file_num                  | Sets the number of xlog files to be initialized in advance.
 postmaster | replication_type                       | Sets the dn's HA mode.
 postmaster | sync_config_strategy                   | Synchronization strategy for configuration files between host and standby.
 postmaster | wal_buffers                            | Sets the number of disk-page buffers in shared memory for WAL.
 postmaster | wal_file_init_num                      | Sets the number of xlog segment files that WAL writer auxiliary thread creates at one time.
 postmaster | wal_level                              | Sets the level of information written to the WAL.
 postmaster | wal_log_hints                          | Writes full pages to WAL when first modified after a checkpoint, even for a non-critical modifications.
 postmaster | wal_writer_cpu                         | Sets the binding CPU number for the WAL writer thread.
 postmaster | xlog_idle_flushes_before_sleep         | Number of idle xlog flushes before xlog flusher goes to sleep.
 postmaster | xloginsert_locks                       | Sets the number of locks used for concurrent xlog insertions.
 sighup     | audit_copy_exec                        | audit copy execution.
 sighup     | audit_database_process                 | audit database start, stop, recover and switchover.
 sighup     | audit_dml_state                        | audit DML operation.
 sighup     | audit_dml_state_select                 | audit DML select operation.
 sighup     | audit_enabled                          | Starts a subprocess to capture audit output into audit files.
 sighup     | audit_file_remain_threshold            | audit file remain threshold.
 sighup     | audit_file_remain_time                 | the days of the audit files can be remained
 sighup     | audit_function_exec                    | audit function execution.
 sighup     | audit_grant_revoke                     | audit grant and revoke privilege.
 sighup     | audit_login_logout                     | audit user login logout.
 sighup     | audit_resource_policy                  | the policy is used to determine how to cleanup the audit files; True means to cleanup the audit files based on space limitation and False means to cleanup the audit files when the remained time is arriving.
 sighup     | audit_rotation_interval                | Automatic audit file rotation will occur after N minutes.
 sighup     | audit_rotation_size                    | Automatic audit file rotation will occur after N kilobytes.
 sighup     | audit_set_parameter                    | audit set operation.
 sighup     | audit_space_limit                      | audit data space limit in MB unit
 sighup     | audit_system_object                    | audit DDL operation on system object.
 sighup     | audit_user_locked                      | audit lock and unlock user.
 sighup     | audit_user_violation                   | audit user violation.
 sighup     | autoanalyze_timeout                    | Sets the timeout for auto-analyze action.
 sighup     | autovacuum                             | Starts the autovacuum subprocess.
 sighup     | autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor        | Number of tuple inserts, updates, or deletes prior to analyze as a fraction of reltuples.
 sighup     | autovacuum_analyze_threshold           | Minimum number of tuple inserts, updates, or deletes prior to analyze.
 sighup     | autovacuum_mode                        | Sets the behavior of autovacuum
 sighup     | autovacuum_naptime                     | Time to sleep between autovacuum runs.
 sighup     | autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay           | Vacuum cost delay in milliseconds, for autovacuum.
 sighup     | autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit           | Vacuum cost amount available before napping, for autovacuum.
 sighup     | autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor         | Number of tuple updates or deletes prior to vacuum as a fraction of reltuples.
 sighup     | autovacuum_vacuum_threshold            | Minimum number of tuple updates or deletes prior to vacuum.
 sighup     | enable_router                          | enable to use router.
 sighup     | track_stmt_retention_time              | The longest retention time of full SQL and slow query in statement_ history
 sighup     | support_batch_bind                     | Sets to use batch bind-execute for PBE.
 sighup     | max_cn_temp_file_size                  | Sets the maximum tempfile size used in CN, unit in MB.
 sighup     | asp_flush_rate                         | every Nth sample to disk, MOD(sample_id, N) = 0 will flush to dist
 sighup     | asp_retention_days                     | set max retention days for pg_asp
 sighup     | asp_sample_interval                    | Sets the active session profile max sample nums in buff
 sighup     | enable_asp                             | Enable active session profile
 sighup     | enable_instr_cpu_timer                 | Enables instruments cpu timer functionality.
 sighup     | enable_instr_rt_percentile             | Calculate percentile info of sql responstime.
 sighup     | enable_instr_track_wait                | Collects information about wait status.
 sighup     | enable_slow_query_log                  | Write slow query log.
 sighup     | enable_stmt_track                      | Enable full/slow sql feature
 sighup     | enable_wdr_snapshot                    | Enable wdr snapshot
 sighup     | instr_rt_percentile_interval           | Sets the interval for calculating percentile in pgstat thread, in seconds
 sighup     | instr_unique_sql_count                 | Sets the number of entries collected in gs_instr_unique_sql.
 sighup     | track_stmt_session_slot                | Sets the number of entries collected for full sql/slow sql in each session.
 sighup     | wdr_snapshot_interval                  | Sets the interval for wdr snapshot in snapshot thread, in min
 sighup     | wdr_snapshot_query_timeout             | Sets the timeout for wdr snapshot query, in seconds
 sighup     | wdr_snapshot_retention_days            | Sets the max time span for wdr snapshot, in seconds
 sighup     | authentication_timeout                 | Sets the maximum allowed time to complete client authentication.
 sighup     | auth_iteration_count                   | The iteration count used in RFC5802 authenication.
 sighup     | failed_login_attempts                  | max number of login attempts.
 sighup     | krb_srvname                            | Sets the name of the Kerberos service.
 sighup     | krb_caseins_users                      | Sets whether Kerberos and GSSAPI user names should be treated as case-insensitive.
 sighup     | krb_server_keyfile                     | Sets the location of the Kerberos server key file.
 sighup     | password_encryption_type               | The encryption method of password.
 sighup     | password_lock_time                     | password lock time
 sighup     | modify_initial_password                | modify the initial password of the initial user.
 sighup     | password_effect_time                   | password effective time.
 sighup     | password_max_length                    | max length of password.
 sighup     | password_min_digital                   | min number of digital character in password.
 sighup     | password_min_length                    | min length of password.
 sighup     | password_min_uppercase                 | min number of upper character in password.
 sighup     | password_notify_time                   | password deadline notice time.
 sighup     | password_policy                        | The password complexity-policy of the database system.
 sighup     | password_reuse_max                     | max times password can reuse.
 sighup     | password_reuse_time                    | max days password can reuse.
 sighup     | password_min_lowercase                 | min number of lower character in password.
 sighup     | password_min_special                   | min number of special character in password.
 sighup     | require_ssl                            | Requires SSL connections.
 sighup     | ssl_cert_notify_time                   | Alarm days before ssl cert expires.
 sighup     | pre_auth_delay                         | Waits N seconds on connection startup before authentication.
 sighup     | trace_recovery_messages                | Enables logging of recovery-related debugging information.
 sighup     | wait_dummy_time                        | Wait for dummy starts or bcm file list received when catchup.
 sighup     | enable_debug_vacuum                    | This parameter is just used for logging some vacuum info.
 sighup     | restart_after_crash                    | Reinitializes server after backend crashes.
 sighup     | defer_csn_cleanup_time                 | Sets the interval time to push cut off csn num.
 sighup     | enable_prevent_job_task_startup        | enable control whether the job task thread can be started.
 sighup     | enable_security_policy                 | enable security policy features.
 sighup     | most_available_sync                    | Enables master to continue when sync standbys failure.
 sighup     | synchronous_standby_names              | List of names of potential synchronous standbys.
 sighup     | vacuum_defer_cleanup_age               | Number of transactions by which VACUUM and HOT cleanup should be deferred, if any.
 sighup     | recovery_time_target                   | The target redo time in seconds for recovery
 sighup     | replconninfo2                          | Sets the replconninfo2 of the HA to listen and authenticate.
 sighup     | replconninfo3                          | Sets the replconninfo3 of the HA to listen and authenticate.
 sighup     | replconninfo1                          | Sets the replconninfo1 of the HA to listen and authenticate.
 sighup     | replconninfo4                          | Sets the replconninfo4 of the HA to listen and authenticate.
 sighup     | replconninfo5                          | Sets the replconninfo5 of the HA to listen and authenticate.
 sighup     | replconninfo6                          | Sets the replconninfo6 of the HA to listen and authenticate.
 sighup     | replconninfo7                          | Sets the replconninfo7 of the HA to listen and authenticate.
 sighup     | replconninfo8                          | Sets the replconninfo8 of the HA to listen and authenticate.
 sighup     | time_to_target_rpo                     | The time to the target recovery point in seconds
 sighup     | wal_keep_segments                      | Sets the number of WAL files held for standby servers.
 sighup     | wal_sender_timeout                     | Sets the maximum time to wait for WAL replication.
 sighup     | enable_incremental_catchup             | Enable incremental searching bcm files when catchup.
 sighup     | enable_stream_replication              | Allows stream replication to standby or secondary.
 sighup     | hot_standby_feedback                   | Allows feedback from a hot standby to the primary that will avoid query conflicts.
 sighup     | max_standby_archive_delay              | Sets the maximum delay before canceling queries when a hot standby server is processing archived WAL data.
 sighup     | recovery_min_apply_delay               | Sets the minimum delay for applying changes during recovery.
 sighup     | wal_receiver_connect_retries           | Sets the maximum retries to connect master.
 sighup     | max_standby_streaming_delay            | Sets the maximum delay before canceling queries when a hot standby server is processing streamed WAL data.
 sighup     | primary_slotname                       | Set the primary slot name.
 sighup     | wal_receiver_connect_timeout           | Sets the maximum wait time to connect master.
 sighup     | wal_receiver_status_interval           | Sets the maximum interval between WAL receiver status reports to the primary.
 sighup     | wal_receiver_timeout                   | Sets the maximum wait time to receive data from master.
 sighup     | debug_print_parse                      | Logs each query's parse tree.
 sighup     | debug_print_plan                       | Logs each query's execution plan.
 sighup     | debug_print_rewritten                  | Logs each query's rewritten parse tree.
 sighup     | log_autovacuum_min_duration            | Sets the minimum execution time above which autovacuum actions will be logged.
 sighup     | log_checkpoints                        | Logs each checkpoint.
 sighup     | log_hostname                           | Logs the host name in the connection logs.
 sighup     | log_line_prefix                        | Controls information prefixed to each log line.
 sighup     | log_pagewriter                         | Logs pagewriter thread.
 sighup     | log_timezone                           | Sets the time zone to use in log messages.
 sighup     | asp_flush_mode                         | Sets the active session profile flush mode:file/table/all.
 sighup     | asp_log_filename                       | Sets the file name pattern for asp data files.
 sighup     | bbox_dump_path                         | Sets the path of core dump created by bbox_handler.
 sighup     | log_destination                        | Sets the destination for server log output.
 sighup     | log_filename                           | Sets the file name pattern for log files.
 sighup     | log_rotation_age                       | Automatic log file rotation will occur after N minutes.
 sighup     | log_rotation_size                      | Automatic log file rotation will occur after N kilobytes.
 sighup     | log_directory                          | Sets the destination directory for log files.
 sighup     | log_file_mode                          | Sets the file permissions for log files.
 sighup     | log_truncate_on_rotation               | Truncates existing log files of same name during log rotation.
 sighup     | syslog_ident                           | Sets the program name used to identify PostgreSQL messages in syslog.
 sighup     | query_log_file                         | Sets the file name pattern for slow query log files.
 sighup     | syslog_facility                        | Sets the syslog "facility" to be used when syslog enabled.
 sighup     | cache_connection                       | pooler cache connection
 sighup     | bgwriter_delay                         | Background writer sleep time between rounds.
 sighup     | bgwriter_flush_after                   | Number of pages after which previously performed writes are flushed to disk.
 sighup     | bgwriter_lru_maxpages                  | Background writer maximum number of LRU pages to flush per round.
 sighup     | bgwriter_lru_multiplier                | Multiple of the average buffer usage to free per round.
 sighup     | candidate_buf_percent_target           | Sets the candidate buffers percent.
 sighup     | dirty_page_percent_max                 | Sets the dirty buffers percent.
 sighup     | enable_memory_context_control          | check the max space size of memory context.
 sighup     | session_history_memory                 | Sets the maximum number of session history memory used by the process.
 sighup     | standby_shared_buffers_fraction        | The max fraction of shared_buffers usage to standby.
 sighup     | autovacuum_io_limits                   | Sets io_limit for autovacum.
 sighup     | session_statistics_memory              | Sets the maximum number of session statistics memory used by the process.
 sighup     | cpu_collect_timer                      | Sets the maximum cpu collect time.
 sighup     | enable_bbox_dump                       | Enables bbox_handler to create core dump.
 sighup     | enable_instance_metric_persistent      | enable instance resource info persistent function.
 sighup     | enable_logical_io_statistics           | enable logical io statistics function.
 sighup     | enable_resource_record                 | enable insert the session info into the user table.
 sighup     | enable_resource_track                  | enable resources tracking and recording functionality in the system.
 sighup     | enable_user_metric_persistent          | enable user resource info persistent function.
 sighup     | instance_metric_retention_time         | the instance resource info retention time.
 sighup     | io_control_unit                        | Sets the io control unit for reading or writing row tuple.
 sighup     | topsql_retention_time                  | the retention time of TopSql
 sighup     | unique_sql_retention_time              | the retention time of unique sql text
 sighup     | user_metric_retention_time             | the user resource info retention time.
 sighup     | use_workload_manager                   | Enables workload manager in the system.
 sighup     | fault_mon_timeout                      | how many miniutes to monitor lwlock. 0 will disable that
 sighup     | stats_temp_directory                   | Writes temporary statistics files to the specified directory.
 sighup     | alarm_report_interval                  | Sets the interval time between two alarm report.
 sighup     | connection_alarm_rate                  | Reports alarm if connection rate overload.
 sighup     | enable_access_server_directory         | enable sysadmin to create directory
 sighup     | enable_copy_server_files               | enable sysadmin to copy from/to file
 sighup     | enable_online_ddl_waitlock             | Enable ddl wait advisory lock in online expansion.
 sighup     | operation_mode                         | Sets the operation mode.
 sighup     | upgrade_mode                           | Indicate the upgrade mode: inplace upgrade mode, grey upgrade mode or not in upgrade.
 sighup     | enable_cbm_tracking                    | Turn on cbm tracking function.
 sighup     | enable_xlog_prune                      | Enable xlog prune when not all standys connected and xlog size is largger than max_xlog_size
 sighup     | max_io_capacity                        | The I/O upper limit of batch flush dirty page every second.
 sighup     | max_redo_log_size                      | max redo log size.
 sighup     | max_size_for_xlog_prune                | This param set by user is used for xlog to be recycled when not all are connected and the param enable_xlog_prune is on.
 sighup     | archive_command                        | Sets the shell command that will be called to archive a WAL file.
 sighup     | archive_dest                           | Sets the path that will be used to archive a WAL file.
 sighup     | archive_mode                           | Allows archiving of WAL files using archive_command.
 sighup     | archive_timeout                        | Forces a switch to the next xlog file if a new file has not been started within N seconds.
 sighup     | checkpoint_completion_target           | Time spent flushing dirty buffers during checkpoint, as fraction of checkpoint interval.
 sighup     | checkpoint_flush_after                 | Number of pages after which previously performed writes are flushed to disk.
 sighup     | checkpoint_segments                    | Sets the maximum distance in log segments between automatic WAL checkpoints.
 sighup     | checkpoint_timeout                     | Sets the maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints.
 sighup     | checkpoint_wait_timeout                | Sets the maximum wait timeout for checkpointer to start.
 sighup     | checkpoint_warning                     | Enables warnings if checkpoint segments are filled more frequently than this.
 sighup     | datanode_heartbeat_interval            | Sets the heartbeat interval of the standby nodes.
 sighup     | incremental_checkpoint_timeout         | Sets the maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints.
 sighup     | pagewriter_sleep                       | PageWriter sleep time.
 sighup     | fsync                                  | Forces synchronization of updates to disk.
 sighup     | full_page_writes                       | Writes full pages to WAL when first modified after a checkpoint.
 sighup     | wal_sync_method                        | Selects the method used for forcing WAL updates to disk.
 sighup     | wal_writer_delay                       | WAL writer sleep time between WAL flushes.
 superuser  | lc_messages                            | Sets the language in which messages are displayed.
 superuser  | dynamic_library_path                   | Sets the path for dynamically loadable modules.
 superuser  | session_replication_role               | Sets the session's behavior for triggers and rewrite rules.
 superuser  | pljava_vmoptions                       | Options sent to the JVM when it is created
 superuser  | enable_adio_debug                      | Enable log debug adio function.
 superuser  | ignore_checksum_failure                | Continues processing after a checksum failure.
 superuser  | zero_damaged_pages                     | Continues processing past damaged page headers.
 superuser  | exit_on_error                          | Terminates session on any error.
 superuser  | deadlock_timeout                       | Sets the time to wait on a lock before checking for deadlock.
 superuser  | lockwait_timeout                       | Sets the max time to wait on a lock acquire.
 superuser  | update_lockwait_timeout                | Sets the max time to wait on a lock acquire when concurrently update same tuple.
 superuser  | enable_extrapolation_stats             | Enable extrapolation stats for date datatype.
 superuser  | enable_fast_numeric                    | Enable numeric optimize.
 superuser  | enable_global_stats                    | Enable global stats for analyze.
 superuser  | enable_kill_query                      | Enables cancelling a query that locks some relations owned by a user when the user is dropped.
 superuser  | enable_change_hjcost                   | Enable change hash join cost
 superuser  | enable_csqual_pushdown                 | Enables colstore qual push down.
 superuser  | log_duration                           | Logs the duration of each completed SQL statement.
 superuser  | log_error_verbosity                    | Sets the verbosity of logged messages.
 superuser  | log_lock_waits                         | Logs long lock waits.
 superuser  | log_statement                          | Sets the type of statements logged.
 superuser  | log_temp_files                         | Logs the use of temporary files larger than this number of kilobytes.
 superuser  | raise_errors_if_no_files               | raise errors if no files to be imported.
 superuser  | backtrace_min_messages                 | Sets the message levels for print backtrace that are logged.
 superuser  | log_min_duration_statement             | Sets the minimum execution time above which statements will be logged.
 superuser  | log_min_error_statement                | Causes all statements generating error at or above this level to be logged.
 superuser  | log_min_messages                       | Sets the message levels that are logged.
 superuser  | temp_file_limit                        | Limits the total size of all temporary files used by each session.
 superuser  | fast_extend_file_size                  | Set fast extend file size used by async dirct IO interface for row store.
 superuser  | max_stack_depth                        | Sets the maximum stack depth, in kilobytes.
 superuser  | autoanalyze                            | Enable auto-analyze when querying tables with no statistic.
 superuser  | enable_analyze_check                   | Enable check if table is analyzed when querying.
 superuser  | log_executor_stats                     | Writes executor performance statistics to the server log.
 superuser  | log_parser_stats                       | Writes parser performance statistics to the server log.
 superuser  | log_planner_stats                      | Writes planner performance statistics to the server log.
 superuser  | log_statement_stats                    | Writes cumulative performance statistics to the server log.
 superuser  | track_activities                       | Collects information about executing commands.
 superuser  | track_counts                           | Collects statistics on database activity.
 superuser  | track_functions                        | Collects function-level statistics on database activity.
 superuser  | track_io_timing                        | Collects timing statistics for database I/O activity.
 superuser  | track_sql_count                        | Collects query info on database activity.
 superuser  | track_thread_wait_status_interval      | Sets the interval for collecting thread status in pgstat thread, in minute
 superuser  | enable_fast_allocate                   | enable fallocate to improve file extend performance, make sure filesystem support it, ep:XFS
 superuser  | lo_compat_privileges                   | Enables backward compatibility mode for privilege checks on large objects.
 superuser  | max_keep_log_seg                       | Sets the threshold for implementing logical replication flow control.
 superuser  | enable_light_proxy                     | Turns on light proxy on coordinator.
 superuser  | enable_pbe_optimization                | Turns on pbe optimization: force to reuse generic plan.
 superuser  | enforce_two_phase_commit               | Enforces the use of two-phase commit on transactions thatmade use of temporary objects.
 superuser  | xc_maintenance_mode                    | Turns on XC maintenance mode.
 user       | router                                 | set send node router for sql before unrouter.
 user       | client_encoding                        | Sets the client's character set encoding.
 user       | DateStyle                              | Sets the display format for date and time values.
 user       | default_text_search_config             | Sets default text search configuration.
 user       | extra_float_digits                     | Sets the number of digits displayed for floating-point values.
 user       | IntervalStyle                          | Sets the display format for interval values.
 user       | lc_monetary                            | Sets the locale for formatting monetary amounts.
 user       | lc_numeric                             | Sets the locale for formatting numbers.
 user       | lc_time                                | Sets the locale for formatting date and time values.
 user       | TimeZone                               | Sets the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps.
 user       | timezone_abbreviations                 | Selects a file of time zone abbreviations.
 user       | gin_fuzzy_search_limit                 | Sets the maximum allowed result for exact search by GIN.
 user       | tcp_keepalives_count                   | Maximum number of TCP keepalive retransmits.
 user       | tcp_keepalives_idle                    | Time between issuing TCP keepalives.
 user       | tcp_keepalives_interval                | Time between TCP keepalive retransmits.
 user       | analysis_options                       | enable/disable sql dfx option.
 user       | bytea_output                           | Sets the output format for bytea.
 user       | check_function_bodies                  | Checks function bodies during CREATE FUNCTION.
 user       | client_min_messages                    | Sets the message levels that are sent to the client.
 user       | current_schema                         | Sets the schema search order for names that are not schema-qualified.
 user       | default_tablespace                     | Sets the default tablespace to create tables and indexes in.
 user       | default_transaction_deferrable         | Sets the default deferrable status of new transactions.
 user       | default_transaction_isolation          | Sets the transaction isolation level of each new transaction.
 user       | default_transaction_read_only          | Sets the default read-only status of new transactions.
 user       | enforce_a_behavior                     | GUC parameter of enforcing adapting to A db.
 user       | gin_pending_list_limit                 | Sets the maximum size of the pending list for GIN index.
 user       | max_query_retry_times                  | Sets the maximum sql retry times.
 user       | max_user_defined_exception             | GUC parameter of max_user_defined_exception.
 user       | nls_timestamp_format                   | defines the default timestamp format to use with the TO_TIMESTAMP functions.
 user       | omit_encoding_error                    | Omits encoding convert error.
 user       | search_path                            | Sets the schema search order for names that are not schema-qualified.
 user       | session_timeout                        | Set the maximum allowed duration of any unused session.
 user       | statement_timeout                      | Sets the maximum allowed duration of any statement.
 user       | transaction_deferrable                 | Whether to defer a read-only serializable transaction until it can be executed with no possible serialization failures.
 user       | transaction_isolation                  | Sets the current transaction's isolation level.
 user       | temp_tablespaces                       | Sets the tablespace(s) to use for temporary tables and sort files.
 user       | transaction_read_only                  | Sets the current transaction's read-only status.
 user       | vacuum_freeze_min_age                  | Minimum age at which VACUUM should freeze a table row.
 user       | vacuum_freeze_table_age                | Age at which VACUUM should scan whole table to freeze tuples.
 user       | vacuum_gtt_defer_check_age             | The defer check age of GTT, used to check expired data after vacuum.
 user       | xmlbinary                              | Sets how binary values are to be encoded in XML.
 user       | xmloption                              | Sets whether XML data in implicit parsing and serialization operations is to be considered as documents or content fragments.
 user       | ssl_renegotiation_limit                | SSL renegotiation is no longer supported, no matter what value is set.
 user       | application_type                       | application distribute type(perfect sharding or not) in gtm free mode.
 user       | allow_concurrent_tuple_update          | Allows concurrent tuple update.
 user       | track_stmt_details_size                | the maximum bytes of statement details to be gathered.
 user       | track_stmt_stat_level                  | specify which level statement's statistics to be gathered.
 user       | comm_debug_mode                        | Whether use libcomm debug mode for print debug information
 user       | comm_no_delay                          | Whether set NO_DELAY option for libcomm socket
 user       | comm_stat_mode                         | Whether use libcomm stat mode for print stat data
 user       | comm_timer_mode                        | Whether use libcomm timer debug mode for print timer data
 user       | debug_assertions                       | Turns on various assertion checks.
 user       | enable_beta_features                   | Enable features that ever supported in former version .
 user       | enable_show_any_tuples                 | This parameter is just valid when it's a read-only transction, just for analyse.The default_transaction_read_only and transaction_read_only should be true.You'd better keep enable_indexscan and enable_bitmapscan  be false to keep seqscan occurs.When enable_show_any_tuples is true, all versions of the tuples are visible, including dirty versions.
 user       | ha_module_debug                        | debug ha module.
 user       | trace_notify                           | Generates debugging output for LISTEN and NOTIFY.
 user       | trace_sort                             | Emits information about resource usage in sorting.
 user       | minimum_pool_size                      | Initial pool size.
 user       | pooler_maximum_idle_time               | Maximum idle time of the pooler links.
 user       | partition_lock_upgrade_timeout         | Sets the timeout for partition lock upgrade, in seconds
 user       | codegen_strategy                       | Choose whether it is allowed to call C-function in codegen.
 user       | comm_ackchk_time                       | Send ack check package to stream sender periodically.
 user       | query_dop                              | User-defined degree of parallelism.
 user       | resource_track_log                     | Sets resource track log level
 user       | rewrite_rule                           | Sets the rewrite rule.
 user       | sql_beta_feature                       | Sets the beta feature for SQL engine.
 user       | geqo                                   | Enables genetic query optimization.
 user       | geqo_effort                            | GEQO: effort is used to set the default for other GEQO parameters.
 user       | geqo_generations                       | GEQO: number of iterations of the algorithm.
 user       | geqo_pool_size                         | GEQO: number of individuals in the population.
 user       | geqo_seed                              | GEQO: seed for random path selection.
 user       | geqo_selection_bias                    | GEQO: selective pressure within the population.
 user       | geqo_threshold                         | Sets the threshold of FROM items beyond which GEQO is used.
 user       | constraint_exclusion                   | Enables the planner to use constraints to optimize queries.
 user       | cost_param                             | Bitmap controls the use of alternative cost model.
 user       | cursor_tuple_fraction                  | Sets the planner's estimate of the fraction of a cursor's rows that will be retrieved.
 user       | default_statistics_target              | Sets the default statistics target.
 user       | enable_upgrade_merge_lock_mode         | If true, use Exclusive Lock mode for deltamerge.
 user       | from_collapse_limit                    | Sets the FROM-list size beyond which subqueries are not collapsed.
 user       | hashagg_table_size                     | Sets the number of slot in the hash table.
 user       | join_collapse_limit                    | Sets the FROM-list size beyond which JOIN constructs are not flattened.
 user       | max_recursive_times                    | max recursive times when execute query with recursive-clause.
 user       | plan_cache_mode                        | Controls the planner's selection of custom or generic plan.
 user       | schedule_splits_threshold              | The Max count of splits which can be scheduled in memory.
 user       | td_compatible_truncation               | Enable string automatically truncated during insertion.
 user       | allocate_mem_cost                      | Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of allocate memory.
 user       | codegen_cost_threshold                 | Decided to use LLVM optimization or not.
 user       | cost_weight_index                      | Sets the planner's discount when evaluating index cost.
 user       | cpu_index_tuple_cost                   | Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of processing each index entry during an index scan.
 user       | cpu_operator_cost                      | Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of processing each operator or function call.
 user       | cpu_tuple_cost                         | Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of processing each tuple (row).
 user       | default_limit_rows                     | Sets the planner's default estimation when limit rows is unknown.Negative value means using percentage of the left tree rows, whereas positive value sets the estimation directly.
 user       | dngather_min_rows                      | minimum rows worth do dn gather, 0 meas always, -1 means disable
 user       | seq_page_cost                          | Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of a sequentially fetched disk page.
 user       | acceleration_with_compute_pool         | If true, agg/scan may run in compute pool.
 user       | default_storage_nodegroup              | Default storage group for create table.
 user       | effective_cache_size                   | Sets the planner's assumption about the size of the disk cache.
 user       | random_page_cost                       | Sets the planner's estimate of the cost of a nonsequentially fetched disk page.
 user       | enable_absolute_tablespace             |  Enable tablespace using absolute location.
 user       | enable_beta_opfusion                   | Enables beta opfusion features.
 user       | enable_bitmapscan                      | Enables the planner's use of bitmap-scan plans.
 user       | enable_bloom_filter                    | Enable bloom filter check
 user       | enable_broadcast                       | Enables the planner's use of broadcast stream plans.
 user       | enable_codegen                         | Enable llvm for executor.
 user       | enable_codegen_print                   | Enable dump() for llvm function.
 user       | enable_compress_hll                    | Enables hll use less memory on datanode.
 user       | enable_compress_spill                  | Enables spilling compress.
 user       | enable_constraint_optimization         | Enable optimize query by using informational constraint.
 user       | enable_hashagg                         | Enables the planner's use of hashed aggregation plans.
 user       | enable_hashjoin                        | Enables the planner's use of hash join plans.
 user       | enable_dngather                        | Enables the planner's use of dngather plans.
 user       | enable_force_vector_engine             | Forces to enable the vector engine.
 user       | enable_hadoop_env                      |  Enable hadoop enviroment.
 user       | enable_index_nestloop                  | Enables the planner's use of index-nested join plans.
 user       | enable_hdfs_predicate_pushdown         | Enable hdfs predicate pushdown.
 user       | enable_hypo_index                      | Enable hypothetical index for explain.
 user       | enable_indexonlyscan                   | Enables the planner's use of index-only-scan plans.
 user       | enable_indexscan                       | Enables the planner's use of index-scan plans.
 user       | enable_material                        | Enables the planner's use of materialization.
 user       | enable_mergejoin                       | Enables the planner's use of merge join plans.
 user       | enable_nestloop                        | Enables the planner's use of nested-loop join plans.
 user       | enable_nodegroup_debug                 | Enables the planner's node group debug mode.
 user       | enable_opfusion                        | Enables opfusion.
 user       | enable_parallel_ddl                    | Allow user to implement DDL parallel without dead lock.
 user       | enable_partition_opfusion              | Enables partition opfusion features.
 user       | enable_partitionwise                   | Enables the planner's use of partitionwise join plans.
 user       | enable_seqscan                         | Enables the planner's use of sequential-scan plans.
 user       | enable_slot_log                        | Enables create slot log
 user       | enable_sonic_hashagg                   | Enable Sonic hashagg.
 user       | enable_sonic_hashjoin                  | Enable Sonic hashjoin.
 user       | enable_sonic_optspill                  | Enable Sonic optimized spill.
 user       | enable_sort                            | Enables the planner's use of explicit sort steps.
 user       | enable_tidscan                         | Enables the planner's use of TID-scan plans.
 user       | enable_trigger_shipping                | Ship a trigger to DN if possible.
 user       | enable_valuepartition_pruning          | Enable optimization for partitioned DFS table to be staticly/dynamically-pruned when possible.
 user       | enable_vector_engine                   | Enables the vector engine.
 user       | expected_computing_nodegroup           | Computing node group mode or expected node group for query processing.
 user       | force_bitmapand                        | Force the planner's use of bitmap-and plans.
 user       | opfusion_debug_mode                    | opfusion debug mode.
 user       | plan_mode_seed                         | Specify which plan mode and seed the optimizer generation used.
 user       | qrw_inlist2join_optmode                | Specify inlist2join opimitzation mode.
 user       | enable_data_replicate                  | Allows data replicate.
 user       | RepOriginId                            | RepOriginId.
 user       | application_name                       | Sets the application name to be reported in statistics and logs.
 user       | connection_info                        | Sets the connection info to be reported in statistics and logs.
 user       | debug_pretty_print                     | Indents parse and plan tree displays.
 user       | logging_module                         | enable/disable module logging.
 user       | gds_debug_mod                          | Enable GDS-related troubleshoot-logging.
 user       | plog_merge_age                         | how long to aggregate profile logs.
 user       | explain_dna_file                       | Sets the destination file for explain performance data.
 user       | backend_flush_after                    | Number of pages after which previously performed writes are flushed to disk.
 user       | vacuum_cost_limit                      | Vacuum cost amount available before napping.
 user       | vacuum_cost_page_dirty                 | Vacuum cost for a page dirtied by vacuum.
 user       | effective_io_concurrency               | Number of simultaneous requests that can be handled efficiently by the disk subsystem.
 user       | vacuum_cost_delay                      | Vacuum cost delay in milliseconds.
 user       | vacuum_cost_page_hit                   | Vacuum cost for a page found in the buffer cache.
 user       | vacuum_cost_page_miss                  | Vacuum cost for a page not found in the buffer cache.
 user       | sql_use_spacelimit                     | Limit the single sql used space on a single DN.
 user       | backwrite_quantity                     | Sets the IO quantity of backwrite buffers used by async dirct IO interface.
 user       | bulk_read_ring_size                    | Size of bulk read buffer ring.
 user       | bulk_write_ring_size                   | Size of bulk write buffer ring.
 user       | cstore_backwrite_max_threshold         | Cu cache threshold for cstore when do insert by async dirct IO
 user       | cstore_backwrite_quantity              | Each column write threshold for cstore when do insert by async dirct IO
 user       | cstore_prefetch_quantity               | Sets the IO quantity of prefetch CUs used by async dirct IO interface for column store.
 user       | disable_memory_protect                 | disable memory protect for query execution.
 user       | FencedUDFMemoryLimit                   | Sets the maximum memory to be used for fenced UDF by user.
 user       | maintenance_work_mem                   | Sets the maximum memory to be used for maintenance operations.
 user       | enable_early_free                      | Using memory early free policy.
 user       | max_loaded_cudesc                      | Sets the number of loaded cudesc per column.
 user       | memory_detail_tracking                 | Sets the operator name and peak size for triggering the memory logging in that time.
 user       | memory_tracking_mode                   | Choose which style to track the memory usage.
 user       | partition_max_cache_size               | The max partition cache size for cstore when do insert
 user       | partition_mem_batch                    | Number of partition in-memory batch
 user       | prefetch_quantity                      | Sets the IO quantity of prefetch buffers used by async dirct IO interface.
 user       | psort_work_mem                         | Sets the maximum memory to be used for partial sort.
 user       | query_max_mem                          | Sets the max memory to be reserved for a statement.
 user       | uncontrolled_memory_context            | Sets the white list of MemoryContext allocation.
 user       | query_mem                              | Sets the memory to be reserved for a statement.
 user       | temp_buffers                           | Sets the maximum number of temporary buffers used by each session.
 user       | work_mem                               | Sets the maximum memory to be used for query workspaces.
 user       | auto_explain_level                     | auto_explain_level.
 user       | bbox_dump_count                        | Sets the maximum number of core dump created by bbox_handler.
 user       | cgroup_name                            | Sets the cgroup name to control the queries resource.
 user       | enable_auto_explain                    | enable auto explain plans.
 user       | io_limits                              | Sets io_limit  for each query.
 user       | io_priority                            | Sets the IO priority for queries.
 user       | query_band                             | Sets query band.
 user       | resource_track_level                   | Choose which level info to be collected.
 user       | session_respool                        | Sets the session resource pool to control the queries resource.
 user       | resource_track_cost                    | Sets the minimum cost to do resource track.
 user       | resource_track_duration                | Sets the minimum duration to record history session info.
 user       | transaction_pending_time               | Sets pend_time for transaction or Stored Procedure.
 user       | table_skewness_warning_rows            | Sets the number of rows returned by DN to enable warning of table skewness.
 user       | table_skewness_warning_threshold       | table skewness threthold
 user       | ngram_gram_size                        | N-value for N-gram parser
 user       | ngram_grapsymbol_ignore                | Enables N-gram ignore grapsymbol.
 user       | check_implicit_conversions             | check whether there is an implicit conversion on index column
 user       | convert_string_to_digit                | Convert string to digit when comparing string and digit
 user       | ngram_punctuation_ignore               | Enables N-gram ignore punctuation.
 user       | acce_min_datasize_per_thread           | Used to estimate whether pushdown the plan to the compute pool.
 user       | cstore_insert_mode                     | decide destination of data inserted
 user       | dfs_partition_directory_length         | The max length of the value partition directory.
 user       | enable_save_datachanged_timestamp      | If true, save the timestamp when the data of the table changes.
 user       | explain_perf_mode                      | Choose which style to print the explain info.
 user       | hll_default_expthresh                  | Set parameter expthresh in hll.
 user       | hll_default_log2m                      | Set parameter log2m in hll.
 user       | hll_default_regwidth                   | Set parameter regwidth in hll.
 user       | hll_default_sparseon                   | Set parameter sparseon for hll.
 user       | hll_max_sparse                         | Set parameter max_sparse for hll
 user       | max_active_global_temporary_table      | max active global temporary table.
 user       | show_acce_estimate_detail              | If true, show details whether plan is pushed down to the compute pool.
 user       | skew_option                            | Choose data skew optimization strategy.
 user       | behavior_compat_options                | compatibility options
 user       | transform_null_equals                  | Treats "expr=NULL" as "expr IS NULL".
 user       | array_nulls                            | Enables input of NULL elements in arrays.
 user       | backslash_quote                        | Sets whether "\'" is allowed in string literals.
 user       | default_with_oids                      | Creates new tables with OIDs by default.
 user       | escape_string_warning                  | Warn about backslash escapes in ordinary string literals.
 user       | quote_all_identifiers                  | When generating SQL fragments, quotes all identifiers.
 user       | sql_inheritance                        | Causes subtables to be included by default in various commands.
 user       | standard_conforming_strings            | Causes '...' strings to treat backslashes literally.
 user       | synchronize_seqscans                   | Enables synchronized sequential scans.
 user       | basebackup_timeout                     | Sets the timeout in seconds for a reponse from gs_basebackup.
 user       | commit_delay                           | Sets the delay in microseconds between transaction commit and flushing WAL to disk.
 user       | commit_siblings                        | Sets the minimum concurrent open transactions before performing commit_delay.
 user       | synchronous_commit                     | Sets the current transaction's synchronization level.
 user       | retry_ecode_list                       | Set error code list for CN Retry.
 user       | enable_twophase_commit                 | Enable two phase commit when gtm free is on.
(601 rows)